Becoming a Member of The IHC Network means that you agree to adhere to the network rules stated below. Failure to adhere to these rules can lead to removal from the group. For any queries or disputes please email info@theihcnetwork.com
Title: The Immunohistochemistry Network
Purpose: To bring the immunohistochemistry (IHC) community together, to support each other and provide a forum and network for doing so.
The IHC network encourages scientists to work together to improve the quality of the diagnostic service they provide. The network provides support, encouragement, motivation and empowerment to its users.
Membership: The network is open to all healthcare scientists but would be most beneficial to those working within immunohistochemistry laboratories.
General Rules to be followed by all members at any one time
· Always behave and communicate professionally,
· The information shared in the group is strictly confidential.
· Be kind and no rude behaviour.
· No advertising
· No commercial endorsement
· Any conflicts of interest must be declared
Accountability: It is the duty of the network member to fact check the advice given within the network and not the responsibility of The IHC Network
All posts including opinions, advice, statements or other information are the responsibility of the author of that message and not of The Immunohistochemistry Network (unless specifically identified as the author of the message). The fact that a particular message is posted on or transmitted using this The Immunohistochemistry Network web site does not mean that The Immunohistochemistry Network has endorsed that message in any way or verified the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any message. Any action taken after reading a post is the responsibility of the member that acts on the contenst of the post, not the member who made the post. Moderators have the power to remove posts if they feel the Terms of Reference of the group have been breached.
We encourage visitors to the forum to report any objectionable message to info@.com. This forum is not monitored 24/7."